Next Shipment leaves AUG 1 OR SOONER (all item must be delivered by JULY 25) |
Current Fees are $6 a box + $0.50 a pound.
Our shipping costs include bringing your box across, giving prior notice paperwork and commercial invoices paperwork to people at border. Usually 3-5 business days and your
Boxes will be moving in USA.
We currently ship out every 2 weeks or sooner.
All boxes must be recieved 2 business days before date to be included in shipment.
Steps Required for boxes
- All boxes must have commercial invoice/ shipping labels attached to boxes
- A printed Commercial invoice and FDA Prior Notice(if required)
- Fill out online Form giving information on shipment.
Example Costs
- 15 LB BOX $13.5
- 38 LB BOX $25
- 46 LB BOX $29